The Privacy-Friendly Software Development

Cory Black
3 min readJun 27, 2021

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Threat actors use various techniques to launch cyber attacks depending in large part on whether they’re attacking a targeted or an untargeted entity. In an untargeted attack, where the bad actors are trying to break into as many devices or systems as possible, they generally look for vulnerabilities that might enable them to obtain access without being detected or blocked. They might use, for example, a phishing attack, emailing large numbers of people with socially engineered messages crafted to entice recipients to click a link that might download malicious code.

In a targeted attack, the threat actors are going after a specific organization. Methods used vary depending on the attack’s objectives. The hacktivist group, Anonymous, for instance, was suspected in a 2020 distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack on the Minneapolis Police Department website after a Black man died while being arrested by Minneapolis officers. Hackers also use spear-phishing campaigns in a targeted attack, crafting emails to specific individuals who, if they click included links, could download malicious software designed to subvert the organization’s technology or the sensitive data it includes.

Cybercriminals often create the software tools to use in their attacks, and they frequently share those on the so-called dark web. Cyber-attacks often happen in stages, starting with hackers surveying or scanning for vulnerabilities or access points, initiating the initial compromise, and then executing the full attack — whether it’s stealing valuable data, disabling the computer systems, or both. (1) These other industries might be able to potentially help! This page could awaken your thoughts!

Information theft is the major, expensive and quickest segment of cybercrime. Largely driven by the heightened exposure of identity information to the web via cloud services. But it is not the only target. Industrial controls that manage power grids and other infrastructure could be disrupted or destroyed. And identity theft isn’t the only goal, cyber-attacks might aim to compromise data integrity (destroy or change data) to breed distrust in an organization or government. Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated, changing what they target, how they affect organizations, and their methods of attack for different security systems.

Social engineering remains the easiest form of cyber attack with ransomware, phishing, and spyware being the easiest form of entry. Third-party and fourth-party vendors who process your data and have poor cybersecurity practices are another common attack vector, making vendor risk management and third-party risk management all the more important. (2) These additional sectors might also be able to supply identification solutions that are both undetectable and adaptable! This intriguing post might lighten up your mind.

All sectors, regardless of the size, must ensure all staff understands cybersecurity threats and how to mitigate them. This might include regular training and a framework to work with that aims to reduce the risk of data leaks or data breaches. Given the nature of cybercrime and how difficult it could be to detect, it is difficult to understand the direct and indirect costs of many security breaches. This doesn’t mean the reputational damage of even a small data breach or other security event is not large. If anything, consumers anticipate improving sophisticated cybersecurity measures as time goes on. Take a look at the authentication technique that is both secure and private! This mind-blowingly creative solution might satisfy your need!

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Cory Black

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